Allied Academies

Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

Promoting Health and Wellness through Research and Innovation

Welcome Message

Welcome back to the 3rd International Conference on Health Care and Health Management slated onNovember 4-5, 2019 at Prague, Czech Republic

This year with a health-bringing theme – “Promoting Health and Wellness through Research and Innovation” which aims to address the big challenges that the world is facing in the arena of health, medicine, paediatrics, mental health, nursing and healthcare management which holds eminent professionals in the field of Health Care and Health Management.

It is a great honour to have theopportunity to invite all the Health Care and Health Management doctors,Scientists, experts, Researchers, Academicians, Industry Professionals andstudents and other affiliated individuals to the 3rd series of Health Care andHealth Management conference that renown the past, admire the present and framethe future.

Health 2019 Conference is therostrum of Renowned medical scientists, Doctors, Researchers, Nurses,Physicians, University Professors, Research Scholars, and medical students andwhich consists of Plenary talks, Keynote Sessions, Oral and PosterPresentations, Exhibitions and many more to acquire the knowledge, share yourresearch expertise and receive name recognition and Certificates signed by ourworld-class eminent organizing committee.

Join us for the twothought-provoking days of the conference which will be the best opportunity andoffer a detailed scientific knowledge of technologies and innovations with newdevelopments

We encourage you to take part in andhope the conference will inspire you and results in deciphering knowledge bothin the sessions and during the many planned opportunities to socializethroughout the conference.

Share advice, stories and casereports. Build rapport and alliances.

Prague, “The city of 100 spires” is famous for its splendidhistory and culture. We wish the two-day meeting to be interesting, helpful andfruitful to all the participants, and you will have a pleasant stay in thiscolorful city.

                                We look forward to seeing you in Prague!

Warm Regards,
Health 2019 | Organizing Committee


If you have any questions or queries about registration,contact: Jennifer Jones at +44-203-769-1755 or at [email protected]

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 04-05, 2019
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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